Satoshi Club × TFS Token
Venue : @satoshi_club
Date : 30th of August, 2021
Time : 3 : 00 PM UTC
#1 Question from the group member
As we await and anticipate the launch of this token, how do you keep the entire community engaged in the values and offers of this project? Do you have ambassadors/ referral programs, contests, quiz, meme competition going on or do you have plans for them?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
There are 2 rounds of activities:
- First, Fairspin as a casino offers several bonus programs, including instant cashback in its TFS tokens.
- Second, TFS launches bounty programs & giveaways. You just have to be a member of the TFS group and follow the news (especially pinned posts)
#2 Question from the group member
Is it possible for token holders to participate in the project’s governance? What kind of project-related decisions may people vote on?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
As the TFS token has been designed specifically for Fairspin’s loyal user base. Fairspin team will continue to roll out new features post token launch to a limited group of users and if a certain feature is accepted by them Fairspin will roll it out to the wider public.
By the way, TFSbeta and “Play to Earn” are the results of such a process
#3 Question from the group member
I want to invest right now before it is too late so can you please show me where can I buy your tokens?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
You can join the waiting list at website, if you are a representative of a big investment fund and want to participate in the private sale — feel free to contact us directly.
#4 Question from the group member
What is the TFStoken strength and achievements till now? Do you support community feedback and suggestions ?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
So far, TFS is the first token of a blockchain casino that is to share its income with players through the “Hold 2 Earn” program. Players will have the same gaming experience but at the same time will be able to earn more tokens within the Fairspin platform. After the token sale, TFS token will be listed on DEX.
As of today, TFSbeta is available to a limited group of users. This was done on purpose to test it out prior to the official token launch. So yes, our teams at Trueplay & Fairspin listen closely to the community feedback.
#5 Question from the group member
Can you provide an insight into the COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT between Trueplay and Fairplay Spin? Which team will be directly controlling the project as it stands? For how long are the two founding projects expected to work together? How will you be able to ensure smooth business running as well as prevent conflict of interest?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
The Trueplay team provides technical support for tokenizing the Fairspin platform. The Fairspin team is the owner of the TFS token itself and the Trueplay team will support us as long as the TFS token exists. There’s no room for conflict of interest since Trueplay is just a business tokenization platform.
#6 Question from the group member
I am a Fairspin player who used to make deposits with TRON. What makes me choose $TFS when it becomes available as a payment option? Do you offer special discounts or privileges if we choose your token?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Its great to see Fairspin players here! Firstly, all players will be able to make deposits with various fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies. Secondly, yes, a TFS token is amongst those options as it can be used as an alternative payment method. You’ll get credited with the TFS tokens for playing at Fairspin (as cashback for every bet you make),it is also the only token that can be used with the ‘Hold to earn’ program.
With the ‘Hold to earn’ program you can choose a certain number of tokens and hold it for a fixed period of time and in return get credited with more tokens as a reward for holding. The exact reward amount will depend on the casino’s income, number of participants in the program, and on the holding period itself.
#7 Question from the group member
Fairspin was created in 2018 . Can you talk about the various achievements you have achieved till date and what all you learned from this three year journey ?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Yeah, that’s been a long-long journey since 2018:)
The idea came up in 2018 when Trueplay started the development of the tools that made business tokenization possible. We saw a great deal of potential in this and viewed blockchain as a solution to our need for transparency before both players & regulators.
Trueplay’s blockchain solution proves that any business can be tokenized and become safe, secure, and transparent at the same time. This will inevitably help us attract a new audience worldwide eventually as overall interest in blockchain gets momentum.
#8 Question from the group member
What are the benefits in joining the waiting list? What opportunities will it bring to the users in the future?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
TFS token sale will be launched in a few rounds. The earlier you get in, the better price you get to buy tokens. The token price is expected to grow later on once listed on DEXs and starts to circulate within the Fairspin platform.
Venue : @cryptomoonverse
Date : 20th of August, 2021
Time : 3:00 PM UTC
My name is Alex, I am a Chief Business Officer at Trueplay. Trueplay platform provides painless blockchain integration for online businesses that value transparency. Basically, we are building the bridge between your business and the crypto world. Thus, the TFS token became our first client on its way to tokenization.
#1 Question from the group member
What are your main features that distinguish you from other projects and what competitive advantages do you have?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
TFS is a token of the first blockchain casino. And there is no other casino that has ever offered playing classic games and checking all the stats within the blockchain. We did that for Fairspin and now we offer a complete platform with all the products needed for any online service to switch to blockchain easily and swiftly. So, Fairspin is the first tokenized casino. Now that they have a token of their own, they can offer a bonus and cashback in TFS token. And later TFS tokens will be listed on major DEXs, which means users can buy and trade them.
But Trueplay went even further than that. We created a mechanism for holding, which means users can hold tokens for a fixed period of time and earn commission based on the income of the platform.
#2 Question from the group member
How has the experience and background of the TFS team been effective in the success of your project so far?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Our leadership team consists of 5 people, such as CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, and CBO.
All of us are hand-picked experts with over 5 years of experience in our positions and a solid background in both trading & blockchain industries.
#3 Question from the group member
Could you please provide some progress on your Roadmap and what results TFS has achieved so far? And any sneak peek into 2021 plans for the project?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
As the TFS token has been designed specifically for Fairspin’s loyal user base of over 300k players. We will continue to roll out new features post token launch to a limited group of users and if a certain feature is accepted by them we will roll it out to the wider public.
By the way, TFSbeta and “Play to Earn” are the results of such a process.
#4 Question from the group member
What are the marketing strategies of your $TFS token project? What will you do so that your project will be visible in the crypto field and people come to explore your project ?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
To be honest with you folks, I’m quite limited in what I am allowed to share from our marketing strategy but you can expect more AMA sessions and new articles with fresh details to read about TFS on Medium and other media
#5 Question from the group member
As Education for cryptocurrency is necessary nowadays , what’s your plan to attract those people who don’t know about cryptocurrency?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
I would say that traditional investors and non-crypto users are more into fiat money such as eur, usd etc. As a team, we do everything to make user experience for such an audience as simple as it could be. Fairspin user base is our main target audience at the moment, which we plan to expand rapidly into non-crypto players who have zero knowledge of blockchain. The key factors that will help us in achieving this goal are transparency, security, and motivational programs such as “Play to Earn” and “Hold to Earn”.
#6 Question from the group member
What problems are you guys trying to solve to make it easier for Crypto users? Please let us know how evolving the roadmap is right now. What will happen this year and in the future?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
As I’ve mentioned above — transparency, honesty and engagement are the three main pillars the gambling/gaming industry stands on. Everybody could see a lack of transparency when it comes to betting or gambling projects — thus having blockchain technology onboard we accepted this as a first challenge to jump in. 2021 has already brought us a lot of positive signs and we decided to launch TFSbeta to let Fairspin users try it first and you know what we have succeeded! More than 10k users were allowed to try Hold2earn and Play2Earn features, around 8k users use them on the daily basis
#7 Question from the group member
STAKING is one of the STRATEGIES to ATTRACT USERS and ACHIEVE MASS ADOPTION Does your GREAT PROJECT have a plan about Staking?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
TFS token has been designed specifically for Fairspin’s loyal user base of over 13000 active players monthly to let them Earn and Stake (we actually named it “hold” instead of stake). There will be a set of holding (staking) programs available for all the users. All the TFSbeta users are already eligible to take part in holding (staking) programs.
You see, while play-to-earn is a tokenized form of cashback, hold-to-earn is about sharing casino’s income with its players. No casinos have ever offered anything like that.
#8 Question from the group member
While you build your project, do you take into account community feedback and demands?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedback and demands??
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Yep, right now we have opened the TFSbeta widget for a limited number of players. We gather feedback, improve features, make everything as simple and easy as possible. Once we fix everything, we will launch TFS for all Fairspin users.
#9 Question from the group member
What is the competitive advantage of your project? Can you tell me 1–3 best features of your project that other projects don’t have to convince me and other investors to invest in your project for a long time?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
For Fairspin, we have a tokenized cashback program. Regular cashback means users get rewards for lost bets and it happens once a week or a month. Fairspin now offers instant cashback in tokens for ALL bets made.
Also, our hold-to-earn program allows users to hold TFS tokens and multiply their assets over time.
#10 Question from the group member
When will your tokens be listed on the exchange and which exchanges do you plan to list on in the future?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
After the TFS token sale, the token will be listed on DEXes (like Uniswap).
Gem Hunters × TFS Token
Venue : @TheGemHuntersTG
Date : 19th of August, 2021
Time : 6:00 PM UTC
My name is Alex, I am a Chief Business Officer at Trueplay. Trueplay platform provides painless blockchain integration for online businesses that value transparency. Basically, we are building the bridge between your business and the crypto world.
#1 Question from the group member
Please tell us about your experience and work in the Crypto field.
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
My name is Alex, I am a Chief Business Officer at Trueplay. Trueplay platform provides painless blockchain integration for online businesses that value transparency.
#2 Question from the group member
Please give us a brief introduction about your project and what are you guys trying to showcase? What is the story behind its origin? When did it start?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Alright, there is a looong story behind the scenes but I’ll try to make this long story short.
The story began in 2017 when Trueplay started the development of the blockchain tools that made business tokenization possible, at least, technically possible. We saw great potential in this and viewed blockchain as a solution to our need for transparency for both players, gaming platforms and even gambling regulators.
Trueplay’s blockchain solution proves that any business can be tokenized and become safe, secure, and transparent at the same time. This will inevitably help us attract a new audience worldwide eventually as overall interest in blockchain gets momentum.
#3 Question from the group member
How many members is your core team made of? What’s their backgrounds, and experiences?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
As of now, our leadership team consists of 5 people — CEO, CFO, CTO, CMO, and CBO. All of us are hand-picked experts with over 5 years of experience in their positions and a solid background in both trading & blockchain industry
#4 Question from the group member
There has been rapid development in the Crypto field in the past few years but still it is in early stages. What makes TFS stand out and unique among so many projects in the market? Please tell us about the TruePlay technology and could you run us through how it actually works?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Yeah, I can assure you that TFS token is our precious nugget that the team has been working on so intensely TFS is a digital asset that will be used as a payment method within the world’s first blockchain casino. To this day there’s no other casino on the market that offers the same level of transparency, security, and accessibility to user playtime statistics as Fairspin.
All of this is made possible solely through Trueplay and its technology that makes this process swift and seamless. The introduction of the TFS token opens new boundaries in front of the Fairspin team to reward and motivate players to spend more time playing at Fairspin through “Play to Earn ‘’ and “Hold to Earn ‘’ programs.
Additionally, TFS token isn’t limited to casino borders and can be traded on external crypto exchanges with ease.
#5 Question from the group member
Can you please tell us a bit more about the true play technology?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Sure! Trueplay platform brings transparency to online services and aims to tokenize the biggest billion-worth markets such as gambling, dating, gaming and E-commerce. Trueplay bridges traditional online business with crypto funds and allows them to issue the token of their own with just a few clicks!
#6 Question from the group member
Let’s get some insight into your token, TFS token basically aims to serve as a standard payment method at Fairspin online casino. How does it all get incorporated into the TFS ecosystem? How will you stimulate the users to hold your token in the long run?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Holding is something where most of DeFi/CeFi projects fail fast and don’t know how to deal with all the tokenomic-related issues. In fact, this is exactly what the “Hold to Earn” program aims at. Through this program, Fairspin will share a part of its monthly revenue with users that prefer to stake TFS tokens for profit. Besides that, every user can be assured that he will be paid every penny as **every transaction, payment or bets will be published in blockchain.
#7 Question from the group member
Please tell us about your Roadmap, milestones and potential updates moving forward.
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Well, it turned out to be useful and successful based on our latest insights. More than 5k users tried the Hold-to-Earn program already and we continue to roll this program out to more users every day! TFSbeta is already live so starting even now everybody could try how the technology works and try Play2Earn/Play2Hold features!
TFS beta was the easiest way to try it out! By launching the beta, as a team, we wanted to make sure all the possible bugs and issues are found before the official TFS release is available to Fairspin’s users. Launch beta -> make sure there are no technical issues -> provide beta users with an ability to try it out -> release it officially!
#8 Question from the group member
How To Participate in the $TFS Token Sale? What are the requirements for being able to join the TFS Token sale?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
As TFS is already in its beta stage, the TFS team will announce a token sale soon. You may purchase the tokens at the upcoming token sale by joining our waiting list on the website.
#8 Question from the group member
Talking The core system behind this idea is the Play to Earn program, which allows you to send TFS tokens instantly in the form of cash back, to make bets on Fairspin which can later be used to play, trade, bet on the platform and much more.How do we to place a bet on Fairspin to enjoy all your systems?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
The Play to Earn program is a new era of tokenized cashback. Basically, as an online business you don’t share the only cashback, now — you share more loyalty with your users. To enjoy all the experiences of Play to Earn and Play to Hold programs you can join gaming platform and try it out even now! To be a part of TFS beta program — join TFS TG channel and ask admin to grant you the access!
#9 Question from the group member
Hello Sir🖐🏻 like are you going to build a thriving community that really cares and supports the project for a very long time, or is it just a temporary benefit? Are there plans to better connect with the community? Just like social media type systems, where people can share ideas/suggestions? Because we know the power of the community to easily make famous projects?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Our partners — Fairspin started just 3 years ago and since then has shown steady growth with over 300000 registered users so far. The TFS team will continue to roll out new features post token launch to the community and if a certain feature is accepted by them we will roll it out to the wider public. By the way, TFSbeta and “Play to Earn” are the results of such a process
#10 Question from the group member
Investors are afraid to invest in a new project because of so many rug pull and exit scam.How can you be sure that there will be no chance of scam and I will be procurable?
Alex | Chief Business Officer at TruePlay
Fairspin has been on the market since 2018 and it only keeps growing in numbers. Adding TFS token and play-to-earn/hold-to-earn programs will only increase the interest of the audience, since these programs let users get more tokens and multiply TFS over time. You see, while play-to-earn is a tokenized form of cashback, hold-to-earn is about sharing casino’s income with its players. No casinos have ever offered anything like that.